Black Cultural News Feature / by Natasha Marin

Hugh Rudolph is a generous gentleman and still a virtual stranger to me. These two things can co-exist. Our friendship began as many do in this brave new Digital Age-- online. I believe Hugh first reached out to me on Facebook to offer me some help and although I ended up making it through this particularly rough-patch without his assistance, I never forgot his generosity. And then he upped the ante by giving a damn about my work. Well chile, you could've knocked me over with a feather!

Turns out Hugh is the editor of BLACK CULTURAL NEWS which is a nifty e-delight of news-nibbles about anything and everything that might fall under the auspices of "black cultural news," (that's a wide net, folks!)

Please do not let the fairly insistent site pop-ups stop you from checking out this beautiful write-up of my current projects including MILK! Thank you, Hugh!

Read the full feature: